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MHS Health Services

Health Office Information

Welcome to the Millbrook High School Health Office!

Below is important information you may need to know... 

Health Concerns:

Please contact the health office with any concerns you may have regarding your student's health.  If your student is ill or injured and cannot fully participate in school activities, please send in a note from the doctor for the nurse.  


Please contact the Main Office if your student is absent from school for any reason. A note upon return to school is a NYS requirement.


Written permission from BOTH the parent/guardian AND the licensed provider (MD, DO, NP or PA) is required each and every school year. Permission forms do not carry over from school year to school year. This applies to prescription and non-prescription medication and also for those students who carry insulin, inhalers or Epi-Pens.  We recommend having an extra inhaler or Epi-Pen to be stored in the health office as a back up. Both prescription and non-prescription medication must be in the original container, labeled with student's name. All medications must be delivered to the health office and picked up by a parent/guardian, not a student. All medications must be picked up at the end of the school year.

Physical Exams:

If your child has a well-child physical, please be sure to request a copy for the school nurse and send it into the health office. NYS requires physicals for 9th and 11th graders and all students new to the district, but all physicals are welcome throughout the year! A yearly physical is especially helpful if a student wishes to participate in any sports as it will streamline the sports physical clearances. 


If a student receives any immunizations please be sure to request a copy for the school nurse and send it into the health office.


All students will be screened throughout high school, by the school nurse, for vision, hearing and scoliosis as required by NYS Law. If the health office has a current physical on file, and the physician has performed the required screen, then the nurse does not need to screen your student.

Sports Registration: 

Students who wish to participate in sports must have clearance from the Millbrook CSD physician. Register online at

Emergency Contact Information: 

It is important for the school to be able to communicate with parents by phone in the event of an emergency, or regarding an injury or illness. Therefore, it is important that parents keep their emergency contact information current at all times. Please notify us of any changes. 


Thank you,

Melissa Sullivan

Office: 845-677-2510 x. 2311

Fax: 845-677-2525